Hey Faithful Follower,
I have a new blog called Post-It's and Purple Staples, so let's head on over there together, shall we?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday, April 02, 2010
Wow, what a day. Shaggy has two friends spending the night...actually two nights...so this morning while they were out scavenging in the woods for things to make a paint-ball course with, Tigger and Thumbelina were playing on the playground, and Zoomer and I were cleaning up the yard. The two guests, along with Shaggy & Tigger, had a 4-H meeting this afternoon. I decided to do some shopping in the Port of Dover, and when it was time to pick them up, my front tire was flat. Flatter than flat. Extremely flat. A tow-truck was called and the tire was changed.
This evening I have had the pleasure of calling 911 for the first time ever. Zoomer, who has spent the last 5 hours with his "Just a Friend" quadding and such, was unhooking the trailer from the truck, when a crazy van drove through our back laneway, almost hitting him in the process, and proceeded through the field. Through the field. At night, when it's pitch black out. A farmer's field. Zoomer came in all shakey, Husband jumped in his truck and followed where we think she went. He has indeed found her van in the creek, but he didn't want to go searching for said suspect. (Said Suspect sounds much more mysterious than Crazy Lady). The police are here; the four-wheel vehicle and at least two other cars; my neighbour just called to see what's up because he has police going through his driveway as well.
So much excitement in Jajville tonight.
Oh, and we had Chinese for supper tonight. You know, in case you were wondering.
This evening I have had the pleasure of calling 911 for the first time ever. Zoomer, who has spent the last 5 hours with his "Just a Friend" quadding and such, was unhooking the trailer from the truck, when a crazy van drove through our back laneway, almost hitting him in the process, and proceeded through the field. Through the field. At night, when it's pitch black out. A farmer's field. Zoomer came in all shakey, Husband jumped in his truck and followed where we think she went. He has indeed found her van in the creek, but he didn't want to go searching for said suspect. (Said Suspect sounds much more mysterious than Crazy Lady). The police are here; the four-wheel vehicle and at least two other cars; my neighbour just called to see what's up because he has police going through his driveway as well.
So much excitement in Jajville tonight.
Oh, and we had Chinese for supper tonight. You know, in case you were wondering.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Phone Calls
Funny how one little phone call can change your world, or your day, or your mood. I received one such phone call this morning, and while it only changed my mood there are others of whom it will have changed their world. A neighbour of mine from when I was a child has passed away and I have been asked to sing at her funeral. My Dad's favourite song no less. The song makes me emotional and after after 11 years, I still have not been able to sing it as a solo in church. The song is How Great Thou Art. I have very fond memories of this neighbour, and while she lived a long life here on earth, her last few years were spent in a nursing home in much pain from arthritis. Nonetheless she always maintained a positive attitude and spirit. Just because I have pain doesn't mean I have to be one. That is a good mantra to have. Peace to you.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I am addicted to coffee. Or at least the caffeine in the coffee. And I'm not trying to be cute or clever, I'm griping to you, dear readership, because I have a pounding headache. Because I missed my 4:00pm coffee and had it at 7:00pm instead. And tomorrow morning I will awake with a headache, too.
Addictions suck.
Addictions suck.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
My Kid is a Nerd
At least he looks like a nerd. Today is the day of the week where the boys have to wear a tie to school. His tail, or whatever you call it...I'm not really sure...but the skinny part that sits underneath the actual tie, is about 6 inches longer than the part you're supposed to see. Plus it's pulled so tightly around his neck that his collar is all gathered. He makes me proud.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Is There An Echo In Here?
So this afternoon I have to go have an echocardiogram. To see if I have a heart. Heh. No, not really. Really about the echo, but I am pretty sure I do have a heart. Anyway, the reason for the echo is because my family has switched dentists to one that is closer to our home. And because some random doctor years ago said to me, "Oh, by the way, did you know you have a heart murmer?" my new dentist will not take my word for it that said heart murmer is no biggy. My doctor concurs with my diagnosis, but since "no biggy" is not to be found in my medical charts...either volume...an echo is in order. I hadn't even thought anything about it until my girlfriend said to me yesterday, "I hope you get a woman tech." insert nervous laugh So now I'm realizing where exactly my heart is located and I'm guessing it isn't just probes they will be sticking on my chest?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Day 2 of Winter PhoBlo Days
Today began with me sleeping in. Until 9:00 am. That almost NEVER happens. I began my day with coffee in bed and my Bible. I love Saturday mornings:

I helped Mr. Happy in the office for the rest of the morning; we are working on getting the church books ready to present to the congregation:

I spent time at both his desk and my desk...which is considerably messier than yesterday:

Thumbelina and I shared last night's rice bowl for lunch...the rest of the family fended for themselves:

Then we snuck downstairs and did some ironing:

Zoomer has run wires throughout the basement and hooked up a TV for me so that I will have something to watch while I iron...I'm not planning on the TV remaining on top of the freezer:

Thumbelina watched the clothes inside the washing machine while I did the folding:

She's such a good helper:

This is what happens to your kitchen when your family is left to fend for themselves:

After a quick clean-up, Thumbelina and I headed out to get some groceries. I'd like to say that I have a menu planned for this coming week, but I don't. But we DO need to eat chicken this week...more than once...my children will be thrilled...

Today's commute looked pretty much like yesterday's:

Hello, Real Canadian Super Store:

Ruht-roh...somebody fell asleep:

RCSS (Real Canadian Super Store) was crazy busy...but what do you expect for a Saturday afternoon. Thumbelina enjoys grocery shopping, although she usually does it with Mr. Happy on Saturday mornings, and despite falling asleep on the way there, she was happy and helpful. I, on the other hand, despise buying groceries. There has got to be a better way to load up the groceries than the double converyor belt. My groceries and bins were piled way high at the end, ready to topple over if anybody were to make a loud noise, and the poor fellow who was after me in line had to walk around me to reach his groceries on the other side...and then come BACK around me to pay for them. And when both of our conveyors were full and the check-out girl had nothing to do but wait for us, she just stood there watching. I miss the days when people would come and help you bag your groceries. Now everything is crowded and congested and stressful. Anyway, here are 2 of our 5 bins of groceries...nachos and pop and flakies:

My beautiful princess on her way outside to play with Shaggy:

My beautiful princess hamming it up for the camera...apparently 'nobody' knew how she got the scratch under her eye this morning, but now it appears that she and Tigger were playing with a stick...uhuh:

I did some Farmville while the children were outside, but I'm too lazy to add the picture in. It doesn't look a whole lot different from yesterday's picture. It was 5:00 by the time I got home from grocery shopping, and since Mr. Happy had to run into town to pick up Zoomer from his sports thing, they brought home supper. We are all about eating healthy at the Funny Farm:

And since I have Celiac Disease and can't eat anything with gluten, take-out is not what is usually on my menu. So I had eggs over-easy and gluten-free toast. Except one of my eggs broke when I flipped it and it turned out hard:

After supper, Thumbelina and I did more laundry...actually Thumbelina abandoned me and played Wii Sports Resort while I did more laundry:

And because I wasn't in the mood to clean up the kitchen after the boys cleaned up the kitchen, I did some more practicing. The piano looks the same as it did yesterday, so I didn't bother to take a picture of it. And now I am enjoying a cup of tea and soon I will join Mr. Happy downstairs where he is diligently working on his laptop while watching the Olympics:

Possibly with Zoomer:

Or I may even walk on the wild-side and do some scrapbooking. It's hard to believe that anybody can survive such an exciting day, isn't it.
I helped Mr. Happy in the office for the rest of the morning; we are working on getting the church books ready to present to the congregation:
I spent time at both his desk and my desk...which is considerably messier than yesterday:
Thumbelina and I shared last night's rice bowl for lunch...the rest of the family fended for themselves:
Then we snuck downstairs and did some ironing:
Zoomer has run wires throughout the basement and hooked up a TV for me so that I will have something to watch while I iron...I'm not planning on the TV remaining on top of the freezer:
Thumbelina watched the clothes inside the washing machine while I did the folding:
She's such a good helper:
This is what happens to your kitchen when your family is left to fend for themselves:
After a quick clean-up, Thumbelina and I headed out to get some groceries. I'd like to say that I have a menu planned for this coming week, but I don't. But we DO need to eat chicken this week...more than once...my children will be thrilled...
Today's commute looked pretty much like yesterday's:
Hello, Real Canadian Super Store:
Ruht-roh...somebody fell asleep:
RCSS (Real Canadian Super Store) was crazy busy...but what do you expect for a Saturday afternoon. Thumbelina enjoys grocery shopping, although she usually does it with Mr. Happy on Saturday mornings, and despite falling asleep on the way there, she was happy and helpful. I, on the other hand, despise buying groceries. There has got to be a better way to load up the groceries than the double converyor belt. My groceries and bins were piled way high at the end, ready to topple over if anybody were to make a loud noise, and the poor fellow who was after me in line had to walk around me to reach his groceries on the other side...and then come BACK around me to pay for them. And when both of our conveyors were full and the check-out girl had nothing to do but wait for us, she just stood there watching. I miss the days when people would come and help you bag your groceries. Now everything is crowded and congested and stressful. Anyway, here are 2 of our 5 bins of groceries...nachos and pop and flakies:
My beautiful princess on her way outside to play with Shaggy:
My beautiful princess hamming it up for the camera...apparently 'nobody' knew how she got the scratch under her eye this morning, but now it appears that she and Tigger were playing with a stick...uhuh:
I did some Farmville while the children were outside, but I'm too lazy to add the picture in. It doesn't look a whole lot different from yesterday's picture. It was 5:00 by the time I got home from grocery shopping, and since Mr. Happy had to run into town to pick up Zoomer from his sports thing, they brought home supper. We are all about eating healthy at the Funny Farm:
And since I have Celiac Disease and can't eat anything with gluten, take-out is not what is usually on my menu. So I had eggs over-easy and gluten-free toast. Except one of my eggs broke when I flipped it and it turned out hard:
After supper, Thumbelina and I did more laundry...actually Thumbelina abandoned me and played Wii Sports Resort while I did more laundry:
And because I wasn't in the mood to clean up the kitchen after the boys cleaned up the kitchen, I did some more practicing. The piano looks the same as it did yesterday, so I didn't bother to take a picture of it. And now I am enjoying a cup of tea and soon I will join Mr. Happy downstairs where he is diligently working on his laptop while watching the Olympics:
Possibly with Zoomer:
Or I may even walk on the wild-side and do some scrapbooking. It's hard to believe that anybody can survive such an exciting day, isn't it.
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